Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in general?
It is medical imaging that shows pathological changes in living tissues, which is based on the magnetic field and radio waves.
Types of cases that are recommended to be diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used for diagnostic purpose such as imaging the veins, arteries, or nervous systems in the brain, and magnetic resonance imaging is the best type of imaging for clarifying tissues and body fluids. It is accurate and high-resolution imaging of all joints of the body (knee – elbow – wrist – shoulder), complete spinal cord imaging and pituitary gland imaging,
and gynecologic tumors imaging.
How do we do magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a way that distinguishes us from others?
The imaging procedure is done in the radiology department and takes between 10-45 minutes.
- Pregnant women are not allowed to enter the MRI room for the fetus’s safety.
- Imaging procedure does not affect dental fillings and braces.
- The patient is often given earplugs to overcome the loud sounds generated by the machine.
- There is a button inside the machine that the patient can press to stop the imaging procedure in case the patient feels uncomfortable.
- The patient is injected with a special substance after the advice of the supervising doctor to increase the clarity of the resulting image when needed.
- The patient must remove all jewelry before the imaging because it can become magnetized during the procedure.
- We can deal patients up to 170 kg.
Before the MRI procedure, the medical history must be reviewed, and surely there are no previous surgeries or accidents that led to the presence of metals in the body such as splinters or bone mounds.